Yu Jiang/姜宇

Geosciences researcher


My research focuses on exploring the mechanics that drive seismic swarms. The exact role of “aseismic” slow fault slip versus fluid migration in seismic swarms is controversial, and a more deterministic framework of understanding for fault ruptures is desired. To test the drivers of seismic swarms, I start from a pure geodetic perspective, and later expand it to incorporate more seismic data to refine the timing of fault movement. I am also interested in whether the same physics learned from small-to-moderate earthquakes control sequences of moderate-to-big earthquakes.


2024-presentPostdoctoral Researcher
.Nevada Seismological Laboratory
.University of Nevada, Reno, United States
.Supervisors: Dr Daniel Trugman [link]
.Supervisors: Dr Jingyi "Ann" Chen [link]
2022-2024Research Fellow
.Earth Observatory of Singapore
.Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
.Supervisors: Dr Shengji Wei [link]
.Supervisors: Dr Judith Hubbard [link]


.University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
.Supervisor: Dr Pablo González [link]
.China University of Petroleum, China
.China Earthquake Administration, China
.Supervisors: Dr Xinjian Shan
.Supervisors: Dr Zhenjie Wang
.China University of Petroleum, China
.Supervisors: Dr Zhenjie Wang
.Supervisors: Dr Xiaogang Song


Scientific papers

[8] Ma, Z., Zeng, H., Luo, H., Liu, Z, Jiang, Y., Aoki, Y., Wang, W., Itoh, Y., Lyu, M., Cui, Y., Yun, S., Hill, E., & Wei, S. (2024)
Slow rupture in a fluid-rich fault zone initiated the 2024 Mw 7.5 Noto earthquake. Science [doi][pdf]

[7] Ma, Z., Li, C., Jiang, Y., Chen, Y., Yin, X., Aoki, Y., Yun, S., & Wei, S. (2024). Space geodetic insights to the dramatic stress rotation induced by the February 2023 Turkey‐Syria earthquake doublet. Geophysical Research Letters [doi][pdf]

[6] Jiang, Y., Samsonov, S., & González, P. (2022). Aseismic fault slip during a shallow normal-faulting seismic swarm constrained using a physically-informed geodetic inversion method. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth [doi][pdf]

[5] Jiang, Y., González, P., & Bürgmann, R. (2022). Subduction earthquakes controlled by incoming plate geometry: The 2020 M>7.5 Shumagin, Alaska, earthquake doublet. Earth and Planetary Science Letters [doi][pdf]

[4] Jiang, Y., & González, P. (2020). Bayesian inversion of wrapped satellite interferometric phase to estimate fault and volcano surface ground deformation models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125 [doi][pdf][code][video]

[3] Song, X., Jiang, Y., Shan, X., Gong, W., & Qu, C. (2019). A fine velocity and strain rate field of present-day crustal motion of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau inverted jointly by InSAR and GPS. Remote Sensing, 11 [doi][pdf]

[2] Jiang, Y., Shan, X., Song, X., Gong, W., & Wang, Z. (2017). Atmospheric correction for InSAR and its application in mapping ground motion due to interseismic strain accumulation. Acta Seismologica Sinica, 39 [doi][pdf]

[1] Song, X., Jiang, Y., Shan, X., & Qu, C. (2016). Deriving 3D coseismic deformation field by combining GPS and InSAR data based on the elastic dislocation model. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 57 [doi][pdf]

Conferences and seminars

2024EGU Annual Meeting
.Convenor: Session NH6.4: Advanced SAR/InSAR processing and new insights for natural hazards [program]
.Talk: Cascading ruptures on near-orthogonal strike-slip faults controlled by simple shear: Insights from the 2019 Cotabato earthquake quartet, Philippines [abstract]
2023APRU Multi-Hazards Symposium
.Science Committee [website]
.Convenor: Session 1.b: Remote Sensing and Modelling
.Convenor: Session 2.b: Early Warning Systems and Monitoring
.EGU Annual Meeting
.Poster: Modelling cascading ruptures on near-orthogonal strike-slip fault system: the 2019 Cotabato (the Philippines) earthquake sequence [abstract]
2022AGU Fall Meeting
.Talk: Are initial phases of seismic swarms driven by a cascade of events or precursory slow slip?
.EGU Annual Meeting
.Talk: Are initial phases of seismic swarms driven by a cascade of events or precursory slow slip? [abstract]
2021COMET Annual Meeting
.Talk: High-resolution spatio-temporal fault slip using InSAR observations: Insights on seismic and aseismic slip during a shallow crust earthquake swarm
.Talk: High-resolution spatio-temporal fault slip using InSAR observations: Insights on seismic and aseismic slip during a shallow crust earthquake swarm
.SSA Annual Meeting
.Talk: Megathrust earthquakes controlled by incoming plate geometry: The 2020 M7.5+ Shumagin, Alaska, megathrust earthquake doublet [abstract]
.EGU Annual Meeting
.Talk: High-resolution spatio-temporal fault slip using InSAR observations: Insights on seismic and aseismic slip during a shallow crust earthquake swarm [abstract]
.COMET Student Meeting
.Talk: Up-dip structure of Alaskan megathrust controls rupture during the 2020 M7.8 Simeonof earthquake
.Poster: Towards understanding the nucleation of earthquakes: Partition of seismic and aseismic slip during a shallow crust earthquake swarm
2020AGU Fall Meeting
.Talk: Bayesian inversion of wrapped satellite interferometric phase to estimate fault and volcano surface ground deformation models [abstract]
.COMET Annual Meeting
.Poster: A physics-based algorithm to invert fault slip distribution
.EGU Annual Meeting
.Talk: Bayesian inversion of wrapped satellite interferometric phase to estimate fault and volcano surface ground deformation models [abstract]
.COMET Student Meeting
.Talk: Studying the geodetic and seismic signature of shallow earthquake swarms
.Talk: WGBIS: Bayesian geodetic inversion of wrapped satellite interferometric phase to estimate source parameters [abstract]
.COMET Annual Meeting
.Poster: WGBIS: Bayesian inversion of wrapped satellite interferometric phase to estimate surface ground deformation models
.COMET Student Meeting
.Talk: WGBIS: Bayesian geodetic inversion of wrapped satellite interferometric phase to estimate fault and volcano model source parameters and their uncertainties
2018COMET Annual Meeting
.Poster: Detection of aseismic slip on active normal faults during seismic swarms
2016International Symposium on Geodesy and Geodynamics
.Poster: The derivation of interseismic velocity field based on atmospheric and orbital correction for SAR interferograms
2015Chinese Geoscience Union Annual Meeting
.Poster: Deriving coseismic deformation field by a combination of GPS and InSAR data based on elastic dislocation model
2014Chinese Geoscience Union Annual Meeting
.Poster: Calculating velocity field and strain rate field in the eastern end of Haiyuan fault based on InSAR and GPS geodetic observation